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Time of the season

Although it seemed to take forever, finally in late October we're getting to more comfortable temperatures. Shame, that it's hard to enjoy those temperatures when a portion of every weekend seems to involve rain.

I understand for mushroomers, that's a very good thing, but for those of us that want to harvest the remaining golden rod, paw paws, acorn or persimmons, it can result in us, and our finds, being a bit waterlogged by the time we get home.

But I love the autumn and I am happy that the mild temperatures mean I can still manage a few more tours through November. Once the tours are done, I'll be planning some new workshops and other offerings, all of which I simply don't have the time to create now, when I'm still revising my notes for my next tour walk.

Now, if you saw my video on predicting weather based on the inside of a persimmon seed, you'll know the seed, caterpillars, and ye old, farmers almanac, all point to a very snowy winter. Personally, I like snow and I would relish a few weekends snowed in with nothing but foraging and gardening books and hot cups of tea, but I've lived long enough that I never count my chickens before they're hatched. And I also know with my luck will get one monumental dump of snow right before I'm scheduled to fly for my birthday trip. Murphy's Law isn't it?

But in the meantime, I'm happy to enjoy the last full days, finding the last of the harvest , drying acorns, and tincturing, the last of my nasturtiums to provide the medicines that will keep the colds, flus and dreaded lurgi at bay in the coming months.

In the meantime, if you're looking to go out on a tour with me, I'll be out on Saturday, November 4 from 10 AM at FDR Park. This tour is free and all you need to do is sign up here

And if you're looking to learn a new skill that will help you use some of your foraged finds, why not sign up for my Simplified Simple Syrups class at Bartram's Garden which will show you how to create syrups to ease symptoms of cold and flu as well as creating an easy way to zhuzh up your holiday cooking.

Register here enjoy what's left of the spooky season and we'll see you as we gear up for the big dance that is the ChrisKwannukah season.



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